Youth Ministry (6th - 12th Grade)
Our hope is for all young people to connect with God, one another, and our world in ways that helps them to use their God-given gifts to serve others.
Beth Thaxton serves as Director of Family Ministries & Christian Education. For more information about Christian formation opportunities for youth (middle and high school), fill out the contact card below.
Beth Thaxton serves as Director of Family Ministries & Christian Education. For more information about Christian formation opportunities for youth (middle and high school), fill out the contact card below.
Sunday School Classes for Youth
Grades 6-7
Sixth and seventh graders study the Old and New Testaments (in rotating years) to give them a bird's eye view of scripture before entering into the Confirmation program in 8th grade.
8th Grade Confirmation Class
This class is an activity-based program exploring the student's journey of faith and growth in Christ. Its purpose is to prepare our young people for their Confirmation as full members of the church. Confirmation Class is for 8th graders and up and runs from November through Palm Sunday.
Grades 9-12
Our high school youth participate in a topic-based study that is centered on living out our faith, current events, and more!
Sunday Evening
Sunday night youth group consists of a meal, music, and then program. Each week looks different, so be sure to read our weekly emails for details.

Events & Trips
Overnight trips are one of the best ways to make connections within the youth group! Stay tuned to weekly emails for lots of details on our overnight trips, such as the Montreat Youth Conference, ski trip, and more!